Timetable creation takes most of the time of administration, scheduling each teacher to specific class and period, taking care of syllabus and periods. And scheduling of periods needs to be changed after exams or any academic decision taken by principal or administration.
Timetable Management System has been designed to improve the system of generating sequence timing for classes and giving a lot more flexibility to both the staff and the students. Since generation of a time table is a tedious process and there are various permutations and combinations required to get the correct class-wise flow, this advanced featured software aims to automate this process. The timetable management software tracks all subjects and classes and offers various combinations to the user to choose from. This software is a user-friendly automated process that gives flexibility and a combination of options.
Time Table Management System of Next School Choice is easy, flexible and dynamic. One can effortlessly create programme for different courses and sections. Based on the start and end time of your institute you can place duration of each class, lunch time. System produces the various slots according to this rules specified. The algorithm has been designed to allow automatic and manual allocations and provides a user-centric solution to every combination. This is a completely web-based scheduling software for schools that work easily based on your requirements including class wise timetable.
This module offers the flexibility to do manual intervention including overriding some of the rules you have defined earlier in the system. You can edit, review and finalize and regulate it to meet the practical needs. While scheduling timing you can allocate teacher/professor and subject to the selected time slot as per your requirements.
Features in Timetable creation