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Attendance Management

Maintaining an absence record of students and staff requires a lot of effort and accuracy. The software provides feature to keep a record of occurrence inside the system eliminating manual effort consuming task. It is also linked with the school academic year so that you need not fill presence record for school holidays, vacations and sundays. It also allows you to also fill basic appearing of students, day boarding, lunch and snacks for the students incase your school provides the day boarding facilities.

Manual Attendance Disadvantages :

  • A manual register is kept and monthly occurrence is calculated making process error prone.
  • Report generation of presence / absence for a few days is very tough.
  • In turnout register, there are more chances of error during calculation on presence.
  • Staff has to keep a record of appearing students in book which is time consuming and less secure.
  • Payroll has to be calculated according to the staff presence manually.

Advantages of attendance management system :

  • Manage attendance of all the students and staff from one place.
  • Manage basic present, day boarding, lunch and snacks for students if the school provides day boarding facilities.
  • Simple and easy interface for filling appearing of all staff and students.
  • The administrator can keep a note of staff occurrence in institute and keep a record of the same.
  • As staff appearance is linked with the payroll module, it allows automatic calculation of working days and generate payslips for all the staff members.
  • Cumulative term, mid-term and annual appearing of students report can be generated.
  • Integrated with holiday management module so that holidays are already assigned in the attendance.
  • Facility to import and export the student and staff being present for a specific periods.

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